Regarding Your Kind Inquiries / お問い合わせにつきまして

Thank you for visiting Brave group US Official Store.
We would like to inform you about recent issues with customer inquiries.

We’ve recently found instances where e-mails directly to our store end up in our spam folder for some reason, which has unfortunately delayed confirmation from our side from time to time.
We will however keep doing our best to check all emails, but in order to prevent those delays, please be sure to send your inquiry via our contact form.

If you have sent us an e-mail directly without using the form and have not received a reply within a week, it is possible that we have not received your e-mail.
In that case, please contact us again using the contact form.

Thank you!

いつもBrave group US Official Storeをご利用いただき、ありがとうございます。



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